This legume belongs to probably the healthiest foods that can serve as the basis of daily nutrition. There are different types of lentils (red, green, black), and they are all healthy, with certain specific benefits they bring. There is a lot of research on the benefits of regular lentil consumption, and here we will briefly outline the most important ones.

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The popular Indian proverb - "You don't have a mother? Don't worry as long as you have triphala" - refers to one of the most used Ayurvedic preparations, and the meaning is that it takes care of the entire state of the organism the way a mother takes care of her children.

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This plant is not a recent discovery, since in the traditional medicine of the people of South America, including the Incas, it has been used for centuries against viral infections and to strengthen immunity. In the 1970s, scientists conducted a series of studies to test its medicinal potential.

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