General Conditions of Use of our online store


General terms of use define the procedure for ordering, payment, delivery and return, or complaint of goods offered on our pages. The supplier (Seller) is

BEYOND,  Voždova 76b, 18000 Niš

Activity and wider activities: 1089 Bakery and soy products shop and trading activity Beyond

Registration number: 54795696

PIB: 100342863

PEPDV: 134604329

web address:

contact phone: 018-514-182

contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A buyer of goods is a visitor to the web shop who selects at least one product, puts it in the basket and sends the order to the Seller, or sends the order and pays for the item by cash on delivery (cash on delivery) or via a bank or post order.

Through the web shop, the customer can purchase all products that are on the Seller's website. Prices include VAT. The currency is the Serbian dinar (RSD). The prices displayed in the web shop are valid for online purchases and purchases in our retail store.



The seller is obliged to inform the buyer about the basic characteristics of the goods (products) he is buying, about the price, method of payment, method and term of delivery and the method of performance of other contractual obligations, about the functionality of the goods, about the existence of legal responsibility of the seller due to non-conformity of the goods with the contract, on the way of reporting complaints, and especially on the place of reception and the way of dealing with them, as well as the conditions related to the exercise of consumer rights based on conformity. If the delivered goods do not conform to the contract, the Consumer, after notifying the Seller of the non-conformity, has the right to demand from the Seller to eliminate the non-conformity, without compensation for replacement, i.e. to demand a corresponding price reduction or to terminate the contract with regard to the goods.

The consumer has the right to choose to have the seller eliminate the non-conformity of the goods by replacement.

If it is not possible to eliminate the non-conformity in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, the Buyer has the right to demand a corresponding price reduction or termination of the contract. if:
The seller undertakes to deliver the goods with complete documentation and associated packaging, i.e. complete as supplied by the manufacturer, importer or distributor.

The consumer can declare a complaint in order to exercise his rights due to the non-conformity of the goods with the contract, as well as due to the incorrectly calculated price and other defects, in the manner described in the notice on the method and place of receiving the complaint.
The seller is obliged to delay, and no later than within eight days from the day of receipt of the complaint, respond to the Customer's complaint in writing or electronically. The Seller's response to the complaint must contain a decision whether to accept the complaint, a statement on the consumer's request and a specific proposal and deadline for resolving the complaint. The deadline cannot be longer than 7 days, from the day the complaint is submitted.
The seller is obliged to act in accordance with the decision, proposal and deadline for resolving the complaint, if he has received the consumer's prior consent. Therefore, the consumer will give his consent as soon as possible from the moment of receiving the Seller's response to the complaint, so that the Seller can resolve the complaint within the aforementioned legal deadline. Untimely giving of the Buyer's consent will be considered one of the objective reasons for which the Seller is unable to satisfy the consumer's request within the legal deadline. to extend the deadline for resolving the complaint, inform the consumer and specify the deadline in which it will be resolved, as well as to obtain his consent, which the Consumer will give as soon as possible. Extending the deadline for resolving complaints is possible only once.

Distance sales contract details

Article 2.
By signing this Agreement, the Buyer confirms that he has been informed by the Seller of the basic features of the goods (products) he is buying, the price, the method of payment, the method and term of delivery and the method execution of other contractual obligations, about the functionality of the goods, about the existence of the Seller's legal responsibility due to non-conformity of the goods with the contract, about the way of declaring a complaint, and especially about the place of receipt and the way of dealing with them, as well as the conditions related to the exercise of the consumer's rights based on conformity.< /p>

Article 3.
If the delivered goods do not conform to the contract, the Buyer, after notifying the Seller of the non-conformity, has the right to demand from the Seller to remove the non-conformity, without compensation for replacement, or to request appropriate price reduction or to terminate the contract with respect to the goods.
The buyer has the right to choose that the non-conformity of