
All items grouped by product type.


Dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are products that, with their active ingredients, can help, strengthen or assist in strengthening the body's natural functions.


Items on discount

List of items currently available at discounted prices.


Kafa i zamene za kafu

Kafa je treći najpopularniji napitak u svetu. Mnogi ne mogu ni da zamisle jutro bez svoje „doze“ kafe, bilo da je to grand kafa, nes kafa, jacobs kafa, lavazza kafa ili neka druga. Sve ove popularne kafe su konvencionalno gajene i predstavljaju mešavinu dve osnovne vrste kafe: arabika i robusta.

U našoj ponudi mi dajemo nešto ekskluzivnije i bolje: organsku kafu, koja je čista arabika.

Da pojasnimo: konzumiranjem organski proizvedene kafe čuvamo i svoje zdravlje i prirodnu okolinu, jer konvencionalno proizvedena kafa spada u kulture koje se najviše tretiraju hemikalijama. Organski gajena kafa je toga pošteđena. Izborom organske kafe ne samo da smanjujemo količinu hemikalija koje spolja unosimo u organizam, već i čuvamo prirodnu okolinu, zato što konvencionalno gajenje kafe ima svoj negativan utcaj na životnu sredinu, dok organski gajena kafa čuva prirodnu okolinu.

Što se tiče arabike, arabika je kvalitetnija vrsta kafe nego robusta i sadrži manje kofeina. Izborom čiste arabike (umesto standardne mešavine arabike i robuste), sa uobičajenom količinom kafe unosimo manje kofeina, što nije bez značaja za one koji su osetljiviji na efekte kofeina.

Ovde možete naći organsku kafu u zrnu, mlevenu organsku kafu, kao i organsku instant kafu jednog od najpoznatijih svetskih brendova (Mount Hagen), sa kofeinom i bez kofeina.

Za one koji obožavaju kafu, ali iz ovog ili onog razloga žele da izbegnu kofein, nudimo i organsku instant kafu vrhunskog kvaliteta, koja je kafa bez kofeina. Savremenim metodima prerade ova kvalitetna kafa je dekofeinizovana, odnosno, iz nje je odstranjen kofein, a sačuvala je u potpunosti ukus i aromu prave kafe.

Pod zamenama za kafu se uobičajeno podrazumevaju napici od žitarica i drugih biljaka koji imaju ukus sličan kafi, ali prirodno ne sadrže kofein. U njih npr. spada i cikorija, koja je inače veoma zdrav napitak, kao i kafa od mešavine žitarica koja se prodaje pod brendom inka.


Cereals, pulses

Whole grains and legumes, organically grown, abound with healthy nutrients and are considered the basis of a healthy diet.


Nuts, seeds

Nuts and seeds are the best natural source of healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Their positive impact on overall health has been proven.


Milk, cheese, meat veggy substitutes

This is the right choice for those who, for health or other reasons, want to reduce the amount of animal protein and fats in their diet, or to ompletely throw them out.


Pasta and bread

Good whole grain pasta is an indispensable ingredient in the kitchen, especially since it is quick and easy to prepare. Whole grain breads are essential foods for everyone who eats healthily. For those who do not use gluten, there are gluten-free varieties.


Vegetable spreads

If you really want healthy alternatives to butter, pate and other industrial spreads, these herbal spreads, made from nuts are far healthier variants of the so-called vegetable fat and margarine.


Edible oils

Cold pressed seed ant nut oils are health nutritional choice. Some of them are especially healthy and recommendable for those who try to impruve conditions like obesity, elevated blood cholesterol and similar.



Spices are the heart of any meal, but far from it that they only make food more tasty. Almost every space have some beneficial influence on our digestive system as well as on the whole body. This is scientificaly proven fact.


Healthy sweets

For those who would not leave out sweets from their diet, these products made of honey, maltex, whole grain and nuts are far mor healthier choice than traditional seweets ful of refined sugar and unhealthy fats.



Juices, jams

When there is no high quality fresh fruits available, juices and jams with no sugarr at all, or with very little sugar, are good alternative.



Sometimes the usual diet cannot provide us with all the necessary substances, so foods that are extremely rich in nutrients, or natural ingredients that have a particularly beneficial effect on the body, which are also called superfoods, can help, especially in cases when we are recovering from an illness or extraordinary efforts.



Alcohol solutions of various combinations of herbs are significant help in treatment of various conditions and ailments.



All other products which do not belong to any other product category.



Right information may be a half of a problem's solution. That is why good book about healthy way of life may be invaluable help and inspiration for us to really live in a healthier way.


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