
Nuts, seeds

Nuts and seeds are the best natural source of healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Their positive impact on overall health has been proven.


Sunflower raw, organic

Sunflower seeds are a natural source of B group vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. By baking at a low ...

Hulled pumpkin seeds, raw, organic

Hulled pumpkin seeds rich in vitamin E and zinc. Beneficial for prostate problems and diabetes.

Flax seeds, organic

Flaxseed has great nutritional value and is a natural source of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and fiber.

Sesame, organic

Sesame seeds are one of the oldest grains cultivated by man since ancient times. Sesame is rich in proteins, unsaturated fats, dietary fiber and minerals, especially ...

Cocoa bean, organic

Slightly bitter raw pieces of cocoa beans that can be snacked on or added to sweet pastries, cakes and muesli. Rich in microelements (magnesium, iron, zinc and copper) ...

Lan, ground, organic, specially packed

Ground flaxseed is easier to digest and much better utilized by the body. Our flax seeds are packed in a protective atmosphere that keeps them from oxidizing even after ...

Organic pumpkin protein flour

Pumpkin protein flour is obtained by grinding pumpkin seeds from which the oil has previously been squeezed. High content of protein (58%) and plant fibers (12%) makes ...

Organic flax protein flour

Organic flax protein flour is obtained by grinding defatted flax seeds and in it all the nutrients of the seeds are maximally preserved. The high content of protein ...

Organic sesame protein flour

Organic sesame protein flour is obtained by grinding defatted sesame seeds and in it all the nutrients of the seeds are maximally preserved. The high content of easily ...

Flax protein flour

Flax protein flour is produced by grinding defatted flax seeds and all the nutrients of the seeds are maximally preserved in it. The high content of protein (38%) and ...

Sesame protein flour

Sesame protein flour is obtained by grinding sesame seeds from which the oil has previously been squeezed. High content of easily digestible proteins (59%) and dietary ...

Pumpkin seed protein flour

Pumpkin seed protein flour is obtained by grinding pumpkin seeds from which the oil has previously been squeezed. High content of protein (58%) and plant fibers (12%) ...

Almonds organic

Almond is a very popular nut that can be used in the preparation of dishes fresh or slightly toasted in a pan, without the addition of oil. It is very rich in proteins, ...

Coconut flour

Coconut flour is used in many recipes. Coconut flour has become one of the favorite foods in vegetarian, gluten-free and diabetic diets.

Ground linseed

Ground flaxseed is easier to digest and much better utilized by the body. Flaxseed is considered the best source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Organic cocoa powder

Beyond organic cocoa powder is obtained from organic cocoa beans originating from Ghana, Africa. Cocoa powder is rich in magnesium and iron, and also contains ...

Laneno seme mleveno 200g

Laneno seme je koristan i zdrav sastojak svakodnevne ishrane. Da bi se hranljiva vrednost lana u potpunosti iskoristila u organizmu, potrebno je da se samelje. Mleveni ...

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